Unlock the full potential of your business with a GS1 Company Prefix! This powerful number gives you the confidence to work with top retailers and helps you meet their requirements. With the GS1 Company Prefix, you can barcode your growing product line, create coupons, and identify different levels of packaging, locations, and mixed cases.
Trust that your UPCs are unique, exclusively registered to your company, and able to be verified by retail partners in the GS1® database. Watch the below video to learn more about the value of a GS1 Company Prefix from a GS1 US® member.
Note: During the check out process you will be asked if you will be using this Prefix to identify medical devices.
GS1 organizations are the only providers of barcodes compliant with GS1 Standards
Trusted and reliable for 50 years
Gain credibility with retailers, marketplaces, partners, and consumers